Monday, May 08, 2006

things fall apart

Maybe the question of 2007 will address the mistakes made by the US when invading/occupying/fighting a war in Afghanistan. We Americans (but, really the whole of mainstream western civilization) do not like analyzing that, beacuse it felt so good and right to bomb the hell out of somebody in the wake of sept 11.

The Taliban are particularly ugly target to make easy fodder for imperical agression to be made just. (a holy warrior hamburger helper, if you will)

How do you arm the earth and free people to democracy at the same time? Arming the fledgling Afghan government's military to spite a potential successor's administration at least 3 years ahead of time seems quite paranoid of one who rode to office touting his ability's to unite people. And it strikes a bit foolish to create the environment for more war against American interests and the struggling development of Afghanistan.

Marines (or any military) killing innocent people is shocking here, but not even worthy of reporting in Iraq due to its tragically common occurance. Limbaugh, Hannity, John Gibson, Tony Snow, Rice, Cheney, Rove, Rumsfeld and Bush himself can paint pretty mental pictures with words all they like, but the correleation with reality continues to fade away. (call them and others, maybe at your church, maybe ever yourself out on that)

If you beleive that the Marines in Haditha are the only guys Bush sent over there to blow a gasket, then you may believe this is the only time US troops have killed an unborn child as well. One of the things Micheal Moore did well in his hasty Fare'n'hype 9/11 was show the link between immoral leadership and the immoral action that follows on a more individual level (you know where the boots are actually in reality on the ground and effecting a foreign land along with its people). Yet again we will sit idly by while power condemns the pawns of this war on this side and excuses obtuse nature of our ruling class. (Let some one know you think this war is wrong dont be an a-hole about it but write somebody about it and tell them you want to do something to stop it.)

The ultimate hipocracy of this era now provides the context for this President's most collasial failure.

Rumsfeld once again changes coarse in poor explanations of why it seems the administartion and Pentagon lied about going to war in Iraq.

Once again this man provides a great deal of incovienitent truth to the American Empire expediciously.

Oh yeah and remember this week, when you make a phone call, the are keeping a record of you. they admitted that as well. not even a conspiracy theory now. They lied about in the fall of 2001 when they signed the Patriot Act. and we are back to acting out of anger, hate, and vengful rage.
it is hard not to displace such things.

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