Friday, April 14, 2006

Let's be postive

I have been too negative, so let's get proactive.

First to address some of the issues that could improve our crippled democracy and general state of the union.
A new old voice on the horizon, give him a listen, and demand better than we are usually given. A Presidential canidate from Alaska.

From a fine journalist comes bold, yet entirely too practical to be applicable, notion of how to proceed in combatting government's unholy tax scheme. Also it could help with the dramatic budget deficits we face and ease the environmental crises we are only now entering into.

There is protest that is nonviolent, and potentially effective going on in India to halt development that would be damaging to the local community.
begging questions:
  1. is a hunger strike still an effective means of protest?
  2. can it produce positive change in this instance?
  3. is there any situation to consider the employment of such a hunger strike here in the US, like say here in NY with atlantic yards development in Brooklyn?
Italian ruler cannot accept democracy.

So then I leave you with a question with the dramatic change brought about in the Chinese economic system yet no attention paid to the poltical flaws of a one party system.

rise of middle class
rural poor left behind, rate of distance increasing

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