Tuesday, October 11, 2005

Rush to me on Monday

After the news at 1 I thought about turning to Al Franken, but I decided to listen to Limbaugh's monologue to start the second hour, it did not take long to be pleased with this decision.
After the obligatory introduction he quickly moved to his topic.

He addressed the the liberals directly:
He had a message to us, because we think it is fun to see the Republicans have a debate (Harriet Miers that seems to fracture the party because of the vocal conservative movement.

He warned us (yes us), this is the kind of thing we liberals should fear the most. If we had context, which he seemed to assume we do not.

He then turned on that Limbaugh bravado, "The last time we flexed liked this was 1980." This was he contended the last time the people demanded conservatism from elected officials. Once Miers has been resolved one way or the other, he warned us liberals will be exposed and trounced just as we were in 1980.
Because we have nothing to offer. No agenda.

Conservatives will continue to advance their agenda because they apparently know what they stand for and they know their principles. Limbaugh proclaimed they are proud to care and embrace what they beleive.

He accused liberals of being fearful of true views and motives. This furthers his view that liberal being honest about who they are cannot win. "go ahead and get cocky" he smarmed. Once again he lauded a "healthy and growing conservative movement". And claimed that those slamming the current president are "running against ghosts".

He told us to take note. October 11, 2005 (and it was about 1:19 pm est by this point)

He then abruptly changed the topic (sort of) to John McCain meeting with the current governor of California.
McCain the voice of moderation is clearly an intellectual weakling to the mind of the Maha Rushi.
The end result of campaign finance reform was what he calls the:
"Incumbent Protection Act"
He finished the segment after he did his McCain impression.

There is nothing really new in all this, but it is interesting he felt the need to be so bold at this particular historical moment.

After turning to Franken moments later the laundry list of problems for the Republicans at large was striking:
Jack Abramoff
Tom DeLay
The war in Iraq (lack of support)
Katrina missteps
Karl Rove in the Plame case
still limited job growth in this "economic recovery"
Gov of Kentucky pardoning his own criminal political friends
and further tales of cronism

I for one am not cocky, but I do feel confident in what I beleive and that the time of George Bush's crusades are nearing an end. But, thanks for the warning Rush, it just nice to know you care, you big hearted lug you. Shucks, i am weepy.

1 comment:

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