Friday, October 14, 2005

The Morning News

All three networks morning infotainment programs today began with the same lead in their tease: Flooding in the Northeastern United States.

There was a moment on TV (7:04 am to be exact). Where all 3 networks had broadcasts of a correspondent in a canoe holding a microphone.

unfortunately, for NBC a couple of guys walked in front of the camera revealing that the water was about 8 inches deep in that spot. Matt and Katie had a nice laugh about it on the air.

Gripping stuff.

The story of the President holding a scripted conversation with some soldiers in Iraq eventually crept onto each show as well.

At 7:08 GMA described "substantial rehearsal" as it showed Alison Barber, a senior Pentagon official talking, to the soldiers.

At 7:12 Today did a close up segment showed some of the "propped soldiers" conversing with the President after being instructed by Ast. Sec. Barber.

Many have wondered, some aloud, what the consequences of having a President so lacking in intellectual curiosity has had. He needs things staged. Are we really surprised? Bush isn't the first, but let us not be so jaded by the inadequacy of his intelligence that we miss the real issue here. He has not to this point, and continues to be less than honest with both the military

Limbaugh draws parallells when the mainstream media stages things such as:

Sp. Thomas Jerry Wilson asking a planted question by:
Edward Lee Pitts about body armor towards Don Rumsfeld. Of course this is because Rumsfeld will not take on this question with the media itself.

Rush then brings up Dan Rather's mess from a year ago. This leads to a tangent extension on the role of the liberal/mainstream media, and yes he's right about some of it.
Yes, they do say all the same thing(s).
Yes, but does that mean that these question shouldn't be asked, the real message Rush sends out is that if the President want to be asked a question he should not have to answer it.

So these question about the legitimacy of war shouldn't be asked....Because Dateline blew up a truck to mess with GM in 1993.

See how confused this all is.

Here is the point. The Bush regime lied a great deal about the war and why it was being fought.
The point is there is no point. Why does Bush even have this event. Is he really that out of touch that he doesn't realize that this is a staged function. If so can he be wise or savvy enough to function appropriately.

Cannot even the most ardent Bush supporters or "patriotic" among not
What is real here?
If the President did not know about this then what can he be trusted to "know"
For someone like James Dobson to blast away at the teachers of Post-modernist thought (or what he view as Post Modernist thought) and not only except, but support this regime and its tactics is quite a hypocrisy.

Stay cynical on this President and his people. Not on each other.

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