Thursday, October 06, 2005


The right wing the mouth pieces of the "Conservative Christian Movement" and the callers to talk radio are not pleased. They seem unwilling to just trust the President in this nomination. Why stop trusting him now. This is the same method he used for most of his appointments.

Rush simply fears a decision made from a "standpoint of weakness". [It would be interesting to know exactly what rush Limbaugh exactly perceives as a position of weakness. More yet, to know why or how Bush got into a position of weakness - or out of the position of strength. (these questions and other that involve the preveyors of the neo conservative movement must not distract from the point at hand here, but further comment is needed).]

Both Limbaugh and others are passionately asking, "why decline this fight at this time?" "There are and have been so many courageous people to stand up for our beleifs". The people that have labored in the neoconservative movement the last quarter century are agast that Bush left them out of this most crucial decision. For once they seem unwilling to just trust him. I ask, because I dont know, why?

Rush, Sean, Levine, Coulter, Kristol and others are imploring the administration to realize there is a deep bench of known quantities. We dont know her judicial philosophy, but these rhetorical engineers are convinced this was the time to end liberalism for all time and banish it out of American politics. Why do these societal sculptors want to divide the country further?

Another question worth asking is why so-called Democratic leaders (harry reid) are not just as angry as conservatives becuase Bush again is engaging in cronism?

Listen to what this woman says, and make up your own mind. Then please for all that is holy let your voice be heard.

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