Monday, March 13, 2006

hippo crassy

On Friday from midday on, the newswire banner below the NBC/Panasonic screen the following headline scrolled:
"Bush says Dubai ports controversy sends bad message to our allies"

First of all, what allies?

Second, what about lying to start wars and ignoring the first line of the UN charter?
or lying about torture and ignoring the Geneva accords?
or easing environmental restrictions on big polluters and perpetuating american arrogance regaurding the Kyoto protocall?

Then on Saturday, at around the same time on the same screen the following was posted:
"Bush upset over Syria and Iran intereference in Iraq"


I really didnt know so i looked it up....

dis·in·gen·u·ous adj
1 Not straightforward or candid; insincere or calculating:
“an ambitious, disingenuous, philistine, and hypocritical operator, who... exemplified... the most disagreeable traits of his time” (David Cannadine).
2 Pretending to be unaware or unsophisticated; faux-naïf.
3 Usage Problem. Unaware or uninformed; naive.

found @

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