Tuesday, February 07, 2006


So I have been having this problem.

I cannot stand the presidency of George W. Bush any longer. It enrages me and its time that we were all a little angry.

Near the end of my Republican years I read one very good short book over the coarse of a couple of airplane rides. William Bennett's The Death of Outrage concisely arranges American culture - at that time - on the indifferent/Liberal side of the Clinton-Lewinsky scandal. Bennett's contention is that the lack of indignation will rot the very institutions that have made American Democracy the force of moral good it has been for the last 200 years.

Yes, now after 5 years of the - Bennett supported - Bush culture, outrage is where it should be. Really?

Consider the lies that preceeded Iraq War, domestic spying, Jack Abramoff, negligence for those suffering in the AMERICAN GULF region, scandals such as Enron where many tied to the finances of the President and his advisors have cheated the people in the companies they were entrusted to protect, and the current administration's leaking of a covert CIA-operatives identity and mix in the incideous use of tramatic events to mativate the masses with fear. What makes this culture so less interested in these events than the Washington drama that engulfed all of 1998?

Where is Rush Limbaugh in denouncing the President for lying?
(of coarse this is ridiclous, ok then...)

Where is media circus on a Bush scandal?
(perhaps there is just too much going on, 2 wars, Katrina, all the other scandal AND olympics, award shows, infotainment with commercials thae search for truth doesn't have much value in the marketplace.)

Where is Joe Liberman? "Seriously Joe... you nailed Bill to the wall, but George gets royal treatment from you. Bush has lied, Bush has tainted the office by not respecting the Constitutional limits. Why have you not called for more integrity from this administration. In your mind is oral sex outside of his marriage and lying about it more cause for concern than torturing people or spying on Americans or profiting from war or manipulating masses of people with fear or failing to take care of already disadvantaged people in the traps of nature's devastation? Where is your speech on the Senate floor to protect the United States's government from a misbehaving executive? More importantly, perhaps where do your loyalties lie? Clearly not in the Party, (something i could not care less about) but what about in general ethical philosophy; how do you not concern yourself with values in the case of this President after the stand you took and statements you made during Clinton's impeechment proceedings?"

How is it Mr. Liberman does not have to answer these questions?

There is no outrage in that either.

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