Monday, April 11, 2005

Selfish Foreign Policy

How can this "most Christian" of Presdents appoint a John Bolton as the 2nd most significant diplomat after himself?

The culture of life and the man of faith that GWB and those around him has consistanlty luaded cannot be reconciled with such an arrogant message to the rest of the world.

The Bush administration's foreign policy is clearly one of selfish interest. On the one hand Bolton will claim that we are the only nationa/power capable of effectively leading the UN. At the same time he and the administration will assert that we will lead and influence the UN to act in our (the United States) interest.

It seems a departure from the Christian ethic as based on the teachings of Jesus to tell the rest of the world that the primary interest of the United States is the United States.

Will the world stand for THE international governing body - already deemed inconsequencial - being controlled by the people that made it so? or, will th nations of the world unite against the imperial presence that deems their collective body ineffectual?

For further reading on this topic read the following article:

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